To develop a university-wide initiative that helps students and faculty gain greater understanding of purpose, character and vocation.

About this Grant

  • Year: 2020
  • Grantee: Duke University
  • Website:
  • Program Area: Higher Education (Cross program grant of Rural Church and Higher Education)
  • Strategy: Promote Learning and Pursue Shared Opportunities
  • Amount: $5,500,000
  • Location: Durham, NC – Durham County

Other Grants Awarded to Duke University

YearGranteeGrant DescriptionStrategyAmountState
Year: ${ row.yearApproved } Grantee: ${ row.organizationName } Description: ${ row.description } Strategy: ${ row.strategy } Amount: ${ row.grantAmount } State: ${ row.state }

Apply for a grant

Select 501(c)(3) organizations in North Carolina and South Carolina may be eligible for grants through The Duke Endowment.