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Communication Materials – July 22, 2024

Rural Church Intermediaries and Subject Matter Experts

Our Rural Church team works with many partners to support the clergy, congregations and communities of rural North Carolina. This one-page flyer describes the expertise of these organizations and intermediaries.

Rural Church Intermediaries and Subject Matter Experts
Communication Materials – August 1, 2023

2022 Grantmaking

In 2022, The Duke Endowment approved $220.6 million in new commitments, some of which will be paid in future years. 392 grants for a total of $197.7 million were paid, some of which were commitments approved in previous years. In this overview you will find additional information about our 2022 Annual Grantmaking totals.

2022 Grantmaking
Communication Materials – August 1, 2023

The Duke Endowment Overview Flyer

This flyer provides an overview of our work, grantmaking and leadership. 

The Duke Endowment Overview Flyer
Communication Materials – February 8, 2022

Organization Logos and Usage Guidelines

The Endowment logo may be used in compliance with our guidelines. For additional formats or questions about use, please contact us.

Organization Logos and Usage Guidelines
Communication Materials – December 12, 2020

James B. Duke: Spirit of Genius, Legacy of Hope

This flyer provides an historical look at the man who laid the foundation to support the legacy that perseveres to this day at The Duke Endowment. 

James B. Duke: Spirit of Genius, Legacy of Hope
Communication Materials – June 1, 2019

Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas toolkit

This toolkit contains all of the Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas templates in one downloadable package (image files can be downloaded separately).

Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas toolkit
Communication Materials – June 1, 2017

Newsletter Template - Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas

A newsletter template that can be modified in Microsoft PowerPoint with custom content, graphics, images and logos. Easily save the file as a PDF to share electronically.

Newsletter Template - Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas
Communication Materials – June 1, 2017

Table Tent Template - Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas

Two table tent template options that can be customized in Microsoft PowerPoint and printed on 11″ x 17″ tabloid paper (fits two table tents per sheet). The finished size of each when cut is 4.5” x 17”.

Table Tent Template - Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas
Communication Materials – June 1, 2017

PowerPoint Presentation Template - Healthy People Healthy, Carolinas

PowerPoint presentation template in all Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas brand colors with multiple slide layout options.

PowerPoint Presentation Template - Healthy People Healthy, Carolinas
Communication Materials – June 1, 2017

Poster Template - Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas

Two tabloid-sized poster template options that can be customized in Microsoft PowerPoint with custom content and logos.

Poster Template - Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas
Communication Materials – June 1, 2017

General Letter Template - Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas

General letterhead template with the Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas logo that can be customized in Microsoft Word with your organization’s content and contact information.

General Letter Template - Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas
Communication Materials – June 1, 2017

E-mail Signature Guidelines - Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas

Suggested guidelines and format for a Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas e‑mail signature.

E-mail Signature Guidelines - Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas

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